Monthly Archives: November 2012

Ready for the event in Stockholm!

Time for the big event of the year for little R2!

Time to help raise money for battling child cancer!

R2 and his friend are part of an attraction at the Scandinavian Science Fiction and Gaming Convention. Tonight, we set it all up, and here are a few teaser pics…

My R2 with the alternate golden dome in the background…

From left to right:

Jimmy’s R5-D4, Sigge’s R2-D2, Nixon’s R2-D2 and finally my own little friend on the right!

Such a nice display!

All ready for the convention!

By |2016-12-06T00:00:41+01:00November 30th, 2012|R2-D2|Comments Off on Ready for the event in Stockholm!

More pics of R2 from the event..

So, I brought R2 along to an event at Operakällaren, and my good friend, the great photographer Tommy Jansson was there to take some pictures.

Not just of me and R2, but of the entire thing!

Take a look at the fantastic pics he took of me and R2.

And if you are in need of a photographer, I can heartily recommend Tommy. I hired him to take some pictures of my show a while ago, and I’ve got a few great pictures from that one…

By |2016-12-06T00:00:41+01:00November 25th, 2012|R2-D2|Comments Off on More pics of R2 from the event..

Biker Scout 2.0

Since I had a minor thing to change on my Biker Scout before 501st approval, this was fixed, but it took a week and a half to get the pictures done!

So, without further ado, here are the pics from my new biker scout build!



By |2016-12-06T00:00:42+01:00November 25th, 2012|Biker Scout|Comments Off on Biker Scout 2.0
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