Monthly Archives: October 2012

Just a quick update…

… to let you guys know that the work is progressing!

I have no pics to go with this, sorry, but here is where I’m at since last time!

I’ve fixed up the second power coupler as per the first one.

I’ve removed the aluminium tape from the second shoulder hub and started skinning it in aluminium. I need to glue the aluminum outside tomorrow and screw in place then this is finished!

I also decided to remove the skin on my right battery box and sand the uneven bits on that one down, to make it nice and smooth. This has been done, and tomorrow, this will be skinned again! Last big part in styrene! Woohoo!

I’ve also been working on fine tuning the shoulder shims some more, and looking in to mounting them more precisely, so I can switch the horseshoes around, should I want to. These are now more snug, and I’ve fixed some irregularities in their shape as well.

I’ve got a little touch up to do on some of the painted parts: a few sprays of paint on the center ankle, the center detail plates, and the inside of the left leg. After this is done, they are ready for clear coating!

The body is ready for clear coating, as is most of the painted parts!

The idea is that this weekend will see the last of the bigger construction of the droid, so I can clean up my office/work space! Once the bigger tools are away and order is restored, it will make the small work with detailing and weathering, as well as working on the new controller electronics so much easier!

I feel confident and happy that I may only need 3-4 more paint sessions, and my entire droid is finally painted and clear coated!

The idea is to get the last leg and foot primed so I can bondo and sand and fix over the weekend, and get the rest of the droid clear coated before friday!

The last few steps is really something I’m looking forward to, as it is these steps that will really give R2 his personality!

By |2016-12-06T00:00:59+01:00October 31st, 2012|R2-D2|Comments Off on Just a quick update…

Fixing up the power couplers

For a while, I have been searching for a pair of aluminium power couplers to replace my old, resin ones!

After looking around for months and months, I bought a second had pair from Daren Murer, who made my lovely dome for my droid!

These were used and painted already, and used a different type of mounting that I had in mind, so I had a bit of work to do!

First off, This is what they looked like when I received them:

The paint is a bit thick for my taste, and the finishing on them is a bit scruffy looking, no doubt as a result of the weathering of the droid the were on before arriving at my place!

After cleaning it up a bit, it looks like this:

Next up is masking off the areas that should not be painted…

After painting the pieces, this is what it looks like!

Old one on the left, and the freshened up version with my own blue colour on the right

Now I’ve only got to fix up the second one. Mounting inside the frame is already fixed and tested! =)

By |2016-12-06T00:01:00+01:00October 28th, 2012|R2-D2|Comments Off on Fixing up the power couplers

Proper Paint Performance

After my decision to repaint my droid, I am MUCH more happy with how the paint is coming out!

Since I cannot paint on my balcony, due to the moist and temperature a friend of mine who runs a car refurbishing facility, has allowed me to use a corner in their shop to do my painting!

These pictures are the accumulation of a few days, but more will come!

So far, I’d say that about 75-80% of my droid is now painted in the proper white!

Tonight I’ll be bringing the painted parts home to give them a nice wet sanding before it is time to clear coat them tomorrow!

Enough talking, eh? Let’s get to the pictures!

The new freshly repainted body…

An over view of various parts while the paint is drying…

The motor holder is only painted inside the groove that is visible through the foot shell.

Inside of the door detail. Looks pretty good!

Horseshoe drying right next to the center foot

Side plates for the center wheel, and ankle cylinder holder

The left leg drying…

All in all, I am happy with hot it is turning out, and I am back on track for having the droid finished and painted well in time for the Science Fiction fair in Stockholm in early December! =)

By |2016-12-06T00:01:01+01:00October 25th, 2012|R2-D2|Comments Off on Proper Paint Performance
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