Monthly Archives: January 2013

3D printed ankle cylinders!

I just got back from a week’s vacation, and today, I got a pair of 3D printed ankle cylinders for my droid!

I made these just to learn how to use my 3D software properly.

This is the render of the model:

Screen Shot 2013-01-22 at 13.37.37

The model is made hollow to save on materials, but should be sturdy enough.

This is the finished part, that I just had delivered:


In short: They look fantastic and are really sturdy!

Can’t wait to attach them to my droid! =)



By |2016-12-06T00:00:37+01:00January 22nd, 2013|R2-D2|Comments Off on 3D printed ankle cylinders!

R2 3D printer parts!


In my quest to try and make things more interesting, I’ve tried to make a few parts suitable for 3D printing!
This is my first attempt:

Screen Shot 2013-01-10 at 00.47.21

This is what’s known as the Large Data Port, or LDP for short.

I have made one from scratch in styrene, but I wanted to test how Shapways held up to 3D printing:


First look looks good!

It feels a bit rough to the touch, so a quick rub with some find sanding paper is probably needed.


And a close up to see the detail of the print. Really fine print and I’m happy with the quality!



A little sanding and that piece is going to be great! The bottom edge is really sharp! 😀

This is what it looks like on my droid. I can not push it all the way in, since I have magnets inside for my regular data port that are in the way…


Looks like it may be a good option… I’ve already got a complicated part that I need to replace…


By |2016-12-06T00:00:38+01:00January 9th, 2013|R2-D2|Comments Off on R2 3D printer parts!

R2 electronics upgrade

Hello! =)

I will update about the big event in Stockholm, and also about the charity event I did with R2 on Christmas Eve shortly.

In brief: R2 and the 501st collected a lot of money to battle children’s cancer in early December, and on Christmas Eve, I took R2 with me to visit poor children in Stockholm to give them a happier Christmas.

I managed to get a few 501st friends and a magician with me to help out with this. Kudos to them!

Anyway, back to what this update is about!

After the Sci Fi convention, I decided to work on my new controller again, and it has gone great!

This is my old electronics board. Well. Was.


I removed all components and started installing components on the new board..


Three layers worth of circuit boards, 3 Arduino computers.. and more to come!


Complete with two motor controllers, one sip ring connector board..


Many of the cables are run on the backside in order to keep the front as clear as possible.

All ground connectors are run through the aluminium plate, by the way.



This is the arm controller that I’ve been working on. I will change it some more, but for now, this is what I can do.

I will draw a better version in my CAD software and send it to Shapeways to print for me in plastic! That will be sweet!

This is still a “beta” but it is really getting a lot better!


Plenty of boars inside. The curved piece was made from styrene with a blowtorch.


It sits great on the arm…


And it even works!

Since this beta, I’ve replaced the touch screen, which had a crack through it, and been working hard on the code for the controller.

This is what the controller touch screen looked like before I started:



A fairly easy way with text. Nothing fancy.

However, it turned out to be quite hard to actually touch those lines, as they are really thin, and my fingers are .. well .. not.

So, after spending a good couple of hours with my head into the code, this is what I’ve made it to look like instead:



And when moving to another page..



… and when you select an item, this is what it does now:



In addition to that, I’ve done many tweaks when it comes to things like speed, motor controllers, dome control, and the sound effects for the dome.

When I started with this controller, I was not happy with the level of control I had over my robot, but after tweaking the code and changing things around, it really starts coming together in a way that I am really happy with!

Next step is to design the proper arm holder and draw it up in my CAD software!

Stay tuned! =)




By |2016-12-06T00:00:38+01:00January 6th, 2013|R2-D2|Comments Off on R2 electronics upgrade
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