Will this never end..?
Today, I have suffered from a gigantic cold, but managed to crawl out of bed around lunchtime and did some work on the droid!
First off, I took my Lee Valley Rockler Bearing, and decided to clean it up to get it to spin better. It did spin fairly ok, I thought, but never more than maximum 3/4 of a lap when I spin it around.
So, I emptied the bearing out from all metal balls, dried up the groves from grease, actually cleaned them up with dishwashing liquid before going over them with my dremel and a steel brush.
Once complete, I replaced all the metal bearing with acetal self-lubricating bearings and added a touch of silicone grease for good measure.
The result? … well … look at this!
So, after the rockler done, The rest of the day has been spent with doing a little tidbit here and there. Mostly, this has been fixing small issues, and I also continued in cleaning up the hatch edges, and gluing them in place.
I also cut up a resin power coupled and did a temporary mount of the front one, just to check..
Starting to look pretty good, I think.
I also sanded the aluminum coin return slightly, to get away from the silvery shine..
On the backside, I also played around with the aluminum tape to see if I could do something about the famed unpainted panel…
For the more observant of you, you may realize that tiny R2 is not featured in any of these images.
As it turns out, he’s really sad.
Tiny R2 needs a hug.