Today was time to do some of the small bits I have postponed for some time.
Really, some of it was really quick temporary fixes in order to get the droid looking as complete as possible for the upcoming holidays.
I started with the legs. Just look how nice they are now =)
I started with cutting out foot strips of styrene and painted them silver. At the same time, I painted some extra pieces of styrene as well, to double up as temporary side vents and pocket vents until I have had time to cut the real vents out.
Also in the paint process were my shoulder hubs. I painted them all silvery, which works quite well. Even though I will have proper aluminum in the end, this really helps the look of the droid until that’s done =)
Another thing I added, was screwing the legs apart and inserting the ankle bracelets that I made a run for earlier. Looks a lot better!
All that’s missing on the legs now is the ankle cylinders and holders and wedges, otherwise they are pretty much finished!
Once the foot strips were done, I finally got to insert my braided hoses into the feet and battery boxes! It really helps the overall look! =)
I cheated a bit, though. I only fixed the front of the feet. No stripes on the backsides yet …
The feet really starts looking good!
Now, about my pocket vents and side vents. I have not had time to cut these out, so I really cheated on these ones!
I took a piece of 1mm styrene, painted it silver and took a blue thick marker, and my steel ruler, and simply drew lines on them!
Horrible, I know, but at least it fills up the gap in the body! =)
The front pocket vent, I tried to cut out and put a piece of styrene behind it (made blue with my marker above) and glued that together. A 5 minute job to get something that looks sort of like a pocket vent.
Side vents are even more horrid… are you ready for this?
Now, these are closeups and no legs getting in the way, but as a temporary solution, I think it will work well! I’ll get to work on these from mid july when my vacation actually starts! =)
Once that was done, I looked over my center wheel, modified the position of the caster inside the wheel, as it really needed to be moved forward from my road test earlier this week. Hopefully it will be sturdier and run a bit smoother now! =)
One last thing that I did that was actually not a temporary fix, was taking apart my holo projectors and adding felt pads inside the HP holders, which will keep the droid from rattling so much on uneven surfaces.
Now, it’s time for midsummer holiday!