Today, a 9 month wait was at its end!

A slightly beat up package arrived at my door step.

9 months in the making, 7 days to travel across the US and to Sweden, and finally 8 days to make the loooong journey from Malmö to Stockholm…

The contents of this bag is not R2-D2 related, but belongs in the same universe..

It is my Biker Scout armor, hand made, and now it is time for me to take these ABS plastic pieces and try and piece them together to form a proper Biker Scout armor!

I had arranged to have my helmet painted and assembled.. even though the mesh in the front of the snout and the smoked glass had fallen out during shipping..

Tiny things like that, that I need to glue back in place..

To officially start this build, I decided to bring in two bottle caps and glue to the ends of the thermal detonators so I’ve at least accomplished something..

If you think they look grungy, it is because I gave them a good sanding first in order to give the CA glue something to grip on..

Once glued, I realized the potential for comedy straight away…

A short trip to the store to pick up a riveting tool..

.. and I was ready to start doing some damage.

New tools needs to be tested, so I took a good look at some reference pictures, and decided to fasten the holster to my boots…

The blaster is still not painted black, but it looks nice in the holster.

I will probably need to add velcro on the inside of the boot and on my undersuit leg if I want the boot to maintain its shape with the blaster in it, though..

Can’t wait to get started properly. I’ve spent the night cleaning the apartment and when done, looking at reference photos and planning how to make this armour in the best possible way…