The list of things to come…
I’ve taken the liberty to create a “TODO” list.. or a R2-2DO list, as it were…
- Fix ridges in second horseshoe
- Finetune second shoulder shim
- Dress second shim edges in aluminium tape
- Prime second horseshoe
- Fix small things that WILL be showing up after priming with Tamaiya Putty and sand
- Skin second shoulder hub in aluminium
R2-D2 Dome:
- Cut open dome under blank panel for easy access (thanks Edwardo)
- Dremel out Aluminium PSI holder (front) for fitting of Teeces PSI.
- Insulate Teeces PSI properly
- Sand painted (primed blue) panels
- Paint painted panels in proper colour!
- Cut out side vents
- Cut out pocket vents
- paint pocket/side vents (blue)
- Fix/adjust long doors on front to add another layer for stability.
- Work on hinging doors on styrene frame
- Make Charging Bay Insert
- Make inside of “large door” on front.
- Alter back unpainted panel to act as door for switching droid on and off (thanks Sigge)
- Make unpainted panel door insert
- Prime body and bondo/sand accordingly
- sand/paint blue panel
- sand/paint utility arms
- mount utility arms properly (currently only stuck in place with velcro)
- find aluminium power couplers!
- paint octagon ports (blue)
- paint coin slots (blue)
- Bondo skirt properly
- Prime skirt
- bondo/sand as needed
Center Foot:
- Cut out wooden thick shim for center foot, to raise droid slightly.
- Attach wooden thick shim to frame (under skirt)
- Add magnet holders to foot plates in order to stick them more firm onto the foot
- Fix 3mm alu strips
Main Feet:
- Skin “ridge” in both feet for better look
- Prime and bondo right foot
- Attach styrene pieces on inside foot shells for KHF’s to screw in to better.
- Fix 3mm alu strips
- Insert metal tube in pivot point/mount on ankle
- Add steel mount for magnetized shoulder hubs
- Possibly sand holder for new, alu shoulder hubs for perfect fit
- Fix/remake Ankle Cylinders
- Fix Mount for Ankle Cylinders
- Fix Mount for Ankle Wedges
- Fix Mount for Ankle Cylinder Holders
- Paint Ankle Cylinders
- Paint Ankle Wedges
- Prime Ankle Cylinder Holders
- Prime legs
- Bondo/sand as needed.
Weather and enjoy a complete droid!
Future Work:
- Sand top part of split inner dome further for better fit
- Cut inner dome pie panels for Life Support Scanner and Periscope
Secondary Dome:
- Fix faulty FLD.
- Cut holes for FLD, RLD
- Drill holes for PSI and HP’s
- Mount HP’s
- Mount PSI’s
- Mount FLD&RLD
- Find and drill holes for rockler mount
- Mask for blue panels
- prime and paint blue panels
- Fix unique sound scheme for secondary identity!