
The list of things to come…

So, even though my droid is starting to look pretty finished when it comes to construction, there is definitely a number of things that still needs to be fixed!

I’ve taken the liberty to create a “TODO” list.. or a R2-2DO list, as it were…


  • Fix ridges in second horseshoe
  • Finetune second shoulder shim
  • Dress second shim edges in aluminium tape
  • Prime second horseshoe
  • Fix small things that WILL be showing up after priming with Tamaiya Putty and sand
  • Skin second shoulder hub in aluminium

R2-D2 Dome:

  • Cut open dome under blank panel for easy access (thanks Edwardo)
  • Dremel out Aluminium PSI holder (front) for fitting of Teeces PSI.
  • Insulate Teeces PSI properly
  • Sand painted (primed blue) panels
  • Paint painted panels in proper colour!


  • Cut out side vents
  • Cut out pocket vents
  • paint pocket/side vents (blue)
  • Fix/adjust long doors on front to add another layer for stability.
  • Work on hinging doors on styrene frame
  • Make Charging Bay Insert
  • Make inside of “large door” on front.
  • Alter back unpainted panel to act as door for switching droid on and off (thanks Sigge)
  • Make unpainted panel door insert
  • Prime body and bondo/sand accordingly
  • sand/paint blue panel
  • sand/paint utility arms
  • mount utility arms properly (currently only stuck in place with velcro)
  • find aluminium power couplers!
  • paint octagon ports (blue)
  • paint coin slots (blue)


  • Bondo skirt properly
  • Prime skirt
  • bondo/sand as needed

Center Foot:

  • Cut out wooden thick shim for center foot, to raise droid slightly.
  • Attach wooden thick shim to frame (under skirt)
  • Add magnet holders to foot plates in order to stick them more firm onto the foot
  • Fix 3mm alu strips

Main Feet:

  • Skin “ridge” in both feet for better look
  • Prime and bondo right foot
  • Attach styrene pieces on inside foot shells for KHF’s to screw in to better.
  • Fix 3mm alu strips


  • Insert metal tube in pivot point/mount on ankle
  • Add steel mount for magnetized shoulder hubs
  • Possibly sand holder for new, alu shoulder hubs for perfect fit
  • Fix/remake Ankle Cylinders
  • Fix Mount for Ankle Cylinders
  • Fix Mount for Ankle Wedges
  • Fix Mount for Ankle Cylinder Holders
  • Paint Ankle Cylinders
  • Paint Ankle Wedges
  • Prime Ankle Cylinder Holders
  • Prime legs
  • Bondo/sand as needed.

Weather and enjoy a complete droid!

Future Work:

  • Sand top part of split inner dome further for better fit
  • Cut inner dome pie panels for Life Support Scanner and Periscope

Secondary Dome:

  • Fix faulty FLD.
  • Cut holes for FLD, RLD
  • Drill holes for PSI and HP’s
  • Mount HP’s
  • Mount PSI’s
  • Mount FLD&RLD
  • Find and drill holes for rockler mount
  • Mask for blue panels
  • prime and paint blue panels
  • Fix unique sound scheme for secondary identity!
By |2016-12-06T00:01:25+01:00September 14th, 2012|R2-D2|Comments Off on The list of things to come…

Fixing the Horseshoes!

As I mentioned in my previous post, I had things I wasn’t happy with in the horseshoes. The ribs inside the inner circle were not eve, due to some issues when routing.

I decided to fix this, using a totally different approach.

First off, I sanded off the irregularities in the fork “tines” of the horseshoe:

Much better. Next step was to sand down the entire rounded portion of the inner perimeter.. This needed to be sanded down at least 1 mm in total… and still be round.

This took a while, but kept a perfect circle!

Next step was to glue a 0.5 mm thick piece of styrene around the inner circle and the “inserts”, to make them absolutely smooth and flat.

Once the glue had set, I sanded off the edges… looks pretty good so far!

I guess that what really made me want to start on the horseshoes today, was this package that arrived from Ryan H, containing these goodies:

I sanded the cavities for the buttons and hydraulics, made a paper template of the hole in order to center the holes properly, drilled and countersunk and .. well .. I just HAD to try them out immediately!

Once the circular piece and the side pieces were glued in place, I cut off 3mm styrene strips of 0.5mm thick styrene, to glue inside the horseshoe to get the right ridged edge. This time without the anomalies I had previously. I started with the side pieces to act as a guide for the circular pieces. In the picture below, you can also see that I’ve glued in the pieces along the edge in the circular part as well.

Once I had the edges and the leading-in side pieces, I just glued the remaining pieces in. These were all done by freehand, bye eyeballing it, but I really think it turned out great. As long as the glue needs a little while to set properly, there is plenty of time to adjust. Not too bad, eh?

This looks a LOT better than it did before.

Next off, I sanded the bottom pieces to be ridged as well, as I had left this part out when I originally made the horseshoes.

So: Aluminum bits in place, the ridges looks nice. This horseshoe is done. There is however one more thing I need to fix..

The shoulder shim. It had not been sitting exactly where it should be, making the horseshoe sit a few mm higher than the shoulder, plus that it should be aluminum.

I spent a good 20 minutes working back and forth with mounting the shim on and off, and working in small increments with a round file in order to expand the holes to be just right. Next step: Aluminum edges!

I took my aluminum tape that I’ve used to skin my shoulder hubs (Another thing to fix later on: Skin the shoulder hubs with real 0.3mm aluminum for a better look) and cut it in thin stripes and wrapped them around the edge.

Once this was done, I re-attached the shim to the horseshoe, and finally placed it back onto the leg. R2 now has a left leg that looks much better!

Yeah … seeing these pictures really makes me cringe with the foil tape on the shoulder hub. That has GOT to change.

Oh, and the blue color, is not the final one. It is just a temporary color I had in the house, since I needed the booster covers blue for midsummer’s…

So: I’m halfway through fixing up the second horseshoe, hopefully get that done by tomorrow!



By |2016-12-06T00:01:26+01:00August 25th, 2012|R2-D2|Comments Off on Fixing the Horseshoes!
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