This weekend was the yearly sci-fi convention in Gothenburg, and since my fiancée and I needed a break from things, we decided to go!

R2 wanted to come as well, so we hooked up with the Nordic Garrison of the 501st and headed the 450 kilometers to Gothenburg. That’ll be 280 miles for you americans!

I was painfully aware that my droid was not complete, and some strategically placed pieces of duct tape literally held him together over the convention. Considering I didn’t start building him until december, I don’t have to be ashamed of his not-really-complete finish!

R2 fit inside my little car with room to spare, and at the convention, we were ready to hit the floor!

Yes, he has no utility arms. The blue parts are only paper. Yes, the pocket vents are only aluminum plates, and he didn’t have any head panels or side vents. I know. That’s only the beginning…

Anyway, R2 was eager to go, and little did he know what was waiting for him…

All sizes!

Poking, probing, fiddling, talking, hugging, chasing…

R2 was in a good mood, and even met some friends. Here’s my fiancée posing for pictures with R2 and his brother.

The completed R2 on the left belongs to Thomas Nixon. His wheels are much larger than mine, and I think my droid is leaning a little more forward than his, but after I extend the center foot a few centimeters, my R2 will look slightly bigger, and match Thomas R2..

My fiancée does not, however, seem to trust anything with a bad motivator:

Anyway, me and R2 found a nice spot to hang…

While hanging around here, a lowly Tusken Raider, who claimed to be Sigge, came by and tried to knick my droid away…

Fortunately, some big, hairy walking carpet came by and scared Sigge the Tusken away before he could spy on my build too much…

This convention did not have so many Star Wars actors from it. We had Michael “Bib Fortuna” Carter and Simon “Max Rebo, Gamorrean Guard, an unnamed Mon Calamari and Nien Nunb’s eyelids (yes, eyelids)” Williamson.

I did however meet this charming man who complemented me on the droid and mentioned that the feat was not bad .. for a human.

All was fine .. until…

All right! .. I’ll show the video.. I promise! …

Boy …. that R2-SweD2 can be very persuasive…

Here’s a quick clip of my R2 in action…

All in all, we had great fun, and even my fiancée who doesn’t like Science Fiction had a great time!

Time to finish that droid! … can’t have him looking like that in the future!