After my decision to repaint my droid, I am MUCH more happy with how the paint is coming out!
Since I cannot paint on my balcony, due to the moist and temperature a friend of mine who runs a car refurbishing facility, has allowed me to use a corner in their shop to do my painting!
These pictures are the accumulation of a few days, but more will come!
So far, I’d say that about 75-80% of my droid is now painted in the proper white!
Tonight I’ll be bringing the painted parts home to give them a nice wet sanding before it is time to clear coat them tomorrow!
Enough talking, eh? Let’s get to the pictures!
The new freshly repainted body…
An over view of various parts while the paint is drying…
The motor holder is only painted inside the groove that is visible through the foot shell.
Inside of the door detail. Looks pretty good!
Horseshoe drying right next to the center foot
Side plates for the center wheel, and ankle cylinder holder
The left leg drying…
All in all, I am happy with hot it is turning out, and I am back on track for having the droid finished and painted well in time for the Science Fiction fair in Stockholm in early December! =)