Last night I finally got around to sand off the dome panels and paint them!

I found the secret to get rid of the spin lines quick!

First time around, I tried to just sand them in small circles with 400 grit. This didn’t seem to do anything with the spin lines.

After experimenting a bit, I realized that if I sanded along the spin lines instead of against, it went a lot faster and quicker!

A quick spray with my blue paint, straight on the metal, this is the result after having to wait a full 4 minutes or so for the paint to dry.

I also got around to finally paint my radar eye!

I actually painted it three times.. I painted it once, wasn’t happy with the masking, trued to sand off, and some paint peeled. I sanded off the entire radar eye, and painted again. Still an anomaly I did not like. This time around I sanded off just the front surface and gave it a new paint job. Looked great!

Next step was to mount all the blue panels.. and R2 looked a lot better again!

Since I had painted my second leg, I drilled up the ankle and inserted a metal tube in the pivot point and glued it in place with some E-6000.

I also decided to paint the screws to my battery boxes white, to make them more discrete.

This is the before image

And this is the after

From a little distance, it is nice and discrete!

I then spent a good few hours getting my arms mounted in my arm boxes, and my arm boxes mounted in the frame. It required a fair bit of carving, routing with my dremel, and finally go in with my metal cutter to cut off a big block of styrene inside the droid!

So… what does it look like at the moment? Well … feast your eyes on this!

Still to do:

  • Make end caps for second ankle cylinder
  • Wrap center ankle cylinders in aluminium tape
  • Make two ankle wedges
  • Mount Ankle Details
  • Mount Under Shoulder Details
  • Chamfer Main Foot strips
  • Weather Skirt
  • Weather Main legs
  • Double check new wiring

…. and done!