Hello all!
Took my R2 out again today to yet another outing. This time a big breakfast with quite a few of my business friends, and naturally R2 was a big hit!
R2 arrived at the scene in a taxi adopted for wheelchairs(!) An excellent means of transportation as it was only to fold down the ramp, roll him in and strap on the seatbelt!
I managed to get a pic of me with R2, which seems to be a rarity these days..
A lot of people wanted to see him, asked questions about him and took pictures of him. Business as usual! =)
Many people don’t realize this, but R2 is a natural when it comes to mingling..
A bit disappointed that the pitchers only contained juice, and no motor oil, R2 soon started to look for other things to do…
.. roamed around the room for a while.. posed for pictures a lot..
.. and finally managed to find a millionaire in the room!
Marco Koslowski from Canada asked R2 to pose with him in a picture, and R2 graciously agreed.
How could he not? There was an opportunity to get his picture taken … again!
Being slightly grumpy after the apparent lack of motor oil, R2 decided it was time to head on home.
On the way, he did meet a young fan, and being the nice droid he is, stayed around to chat with the young fan for a while outside Gallerian in Stockholm.
All in all, a good day in R2’s life! 😀