Monthly Archives: October 2011

The collection of parts has started!

So, the past weeks I’ve been traveling in the US and performing.

Inbetween shows, I managed to get some time and look around for parts, and as luck had it, I even attended the R2 Builders in Las Vegas!

I had a great time meeting many droid enthusiasts, and Wood frame constructor, Mike Senna was very helpful in discussing how the R2’s were made.

Inside the workshop, Mike had even brought his Wall*E, which just looks amazing!

It was my first meeting with a full size Astromech droid, and it was something that I really enjoyed!

In addition to doing shows and traveling around, I did find some time to start collecting parts!

I now own quite a few of the needed small items, and also started working on blueprints for my R2. I’m really trying to get as much as possible done on the blueprint stage, as better blueprints makes for a better droid.

Naturally, I’m standing on the shoulder of giants while doing this, and i’ve used the blueprints available to the r2 builders group by Dave Everett as basis, with small modifications, and also just going through them in order to know what I’m going through!

Interestingly enough it turned out that I knew Dave Everett from two years back, from a totally different area of life than droid building, and that was great fun!

All in all, I had a great trip, and there are so many extremely nice people I’d like to thank, most notably Mike Senna for being so welcoming towards a newbie, Damien for his fantastic place and showing his fun toys, Dan for giving me a ride back to my hotel, Victor for letting me pose with his droid (Mike actually let me drive it as well, but I promised not to tell you 😉

I’m looking forward to see you all again, and make new friends as my venture into the droid building continues.

In the mean time, back here in Sweden, I’ve been contacted by a fellow R2 builder with the nickname Sigge, who I’ve been talking a lot with and had a nice exchange of ideas. Sigge is now ordering the styrene needed for the droid while I’m working on getting the blueprints ready.

So far: great fun, but still waiting for when the build can actually start for real! I’ve got mort resin parts coming in, and a few on back order, but as soon as they should come in, I think I am ready to start actual construction!

Stay tuned!




By |2016-12-06T00:02:07+01:00October 27th, 2011|R2-D2|Comments Off on The collection of parts has started!

The saga begins…

So, one can’t really build a full scale astromech droid without the help of people who has done this before.

I started by joining the r2builders group on yahoo groups and got access to a lot of very useful files made by people from a fantastic community who love to build and share.

I also contacted Thomas Nixon, who was the first to build a full scale R2 in Sweden, since he like me lives in Stockholm. He was gracious and friendly and we are going to schedule a coffee in the near future, after I’m back from my upcoming trip.

After looking at hundreds of pictures of fan made droids and decided what I like and do not like, I have decided to go with a metal dome (the head part of the R2-unit), since I feel that it gives a much better and authentic look rather than plastic domes that are simply painted.

Obviously, it’s all down to the individual taste and whatever other people choose is great for them, but for my taste, I wanted this to be metal, so since this is the hardest part to make yourself, I ordered a laser cut spun aluminum dome from the builders group.

I also ordered what is known as a Rockler Bearing, which is used for rotating TV’s or since I’m Swedish, a smaller version is used in IKEA’s rotating cheese trays. Sadly, that is not useful for the R2, so I ordered one with the recommended dimensions from Canada that will be delivered to my hotel in Las Vegas later on this week.

Yes. Las Vegas.

I decided many months ago to attend to the yearly mind reader convention in Las Vegas, MindVention, and as it turns out, the very night before the convention begins, there is an R2 builders ‘convention’ in Las Vegas!

Talk about luck!

Especielly since I had already planned to be in Las Vegas months before even deciding to build my own droid!

So, in just a few days, I will get to see hopefully several astromech droids in full size up and close for the first time  for real!

Until then, I will have little time. Today is all about cleaning my office, attend 2 meetings, unpack from this weekend’s trip, pack for the next 2 weeks in Las Vegas and Los Angeles, spend an hour at the gym and make tons of calls to prepare all that needs being done!

Busy day.

Sorry about no pictures and a long rant, but I’m hoping to have plenty of pictures after meeting other builders in Las Vegas ! =)

By |2012-03-19T08:59:11+01:00October 10th, 2011|R2-D2|Comments Off on The saga begins…

So now it’s finally time…

For quite a while I’ve had this crazy notion.

I’m going to build a replica of R2-D2. Full scale.

Just think about that for a while, let the gravity sink in.

Fortunately, I am not alone in this, since there are a number of people out there who have actually done this, or are still trying to accomplish what I am setting out to do.

I guess one could say that this is pretty final. I have already managed to find excellent plans from the r2 builders group on yahoo, and have started planning out my frame and how to control the machine.

Today is day 1. I am still insanely busy with work, and got 2 weeks of traveling ahead of me, but in the beginning of the new year, I am planning to actually start physically building this little droid, maybe sooner.

I have already made arrangements for the dome…

By |2012-03-19T08:56:45+01:00October 6th, 2011|R2-D2|Comments Off on So now it’s finally time…
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